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HOME ⇒ World commercial aircraft ⇒ Boeing 737 Family

Boeing 737 Family

The Boeing 737 family is the most successful airliner lineage in the world. Orders for the first-generation Boeing 737-100 and 737-200 were placed in 1965 and since then, over 6,000 aircraft were produced.

The family consists of three generations of aircraft. The earliest was the Boeing 737 Original (which included the Boeing 737-100, -200 and -200 Advanced), followed by the Boeing 737 Classic series (including the Boeing 737-300, -400 and -500) and the Boeing 737 Next Generation, or Boeing 737 NG (including the Boeing 737-600, -700, -800 and -900).

Boeing 737 Original series which include the highly popular Boeing 737-200, as well as its somewhat less successful brother, the -100, and its updated version, the Boeing 737-200 Advanced, were designed for short- to medium-range flights. These early models of the 737 were manufactured from 1967 to 1985, totaling 1,831 aircraft.

Near the beginning of the 80s, the 737 was updated with newer CFM56 engines and digital avionics, which gave rise to the Boeing 737 Classic series. The success of the first plane in the new series, the 737-300, in turn led to the development of two other versions: the 737-400, with a longer fuselage and more carrying capacity, and the 737-500, a shorter variant with a greater range. Between 1984 and 2000 almost 1,990 planes of the Boeing 737 Classic series were produced.

1997 saw the introduction of the new and improved Boeing 737 NG (Next Generation) series, outfitted with more efficient engines, an updated wing design, featuring a larger area and the ability to mount winglets, and better-equipped passenger sections. These newer planes are capable of achieving faster flight speeds, longer travel distances and more efficient fuel consumption than their predecessors. The Boeing 737 NG series are currently still being manufactured and, alongside the Airbus A320 family, are the most common medium-range airliners in the world.

Presently, the Boeing Corporation is developing a new generation of airliners based on the Boeing 737, under the name of Boeing 737 MAX. Meant to replace the Boeing 737 NG, the new series of jets will include 4 base models: 737 MAX 7 (replacement for Boeing 737-700), 737 MAX 8 (replacement for Boeing 737-800), 737 MAX 9 (replacement for Boeing 737-900) and 737 MAX 10 (with the longest fuselage of all aircraft of the Boeing 737 family). These aircraft received minor modifications to the fuselage and wings, and are also outfitted with new, more efficient engines. The first planes of the 737 MAX entered service in 2017.

Planes of the Boeing 737 family

Boeing 737-200
Specially designed for short- to medium-range flights, the 737-200 is capable of transporting up to 130 passengers over 3,000 km.

Boeing 737-200 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-300
The first model in the Boeing 737 Classic series, the 737-300 was until recently the most widespread medium-range airliner in the world.

Boeing 737-300 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-400
A slightly modified version of the 737-300 featuring a longer fuselage, the 737-400 is capable of seating more passengers and is especially popular among charter airlines.

Boeing 737-400 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-500
This plane is another version of the 737-300, this one shorter but capable of farther flights of up to 5500 km. It is also often used for making multiple shorter flights without needing to refuel upon every landing.

Boeing 737-500 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-600
The smallest plane in the Boeing 737 NG series, the 737-600 is an upgraded version of the 737-500.

Boeing 737-600 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-700
This highly efficient plane has a range of 6,000 km and is the first airliner in the Boeing 737 NG series.

Boeing 737-700 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-800
The 737-800 has a longer fuselage than the 737-700 and sacrifices some of its range for more passenger capacity. It was designed to better accommodate busy flight routes of distances under 5,500 km.

Boeing 737-800 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737-900
The latest in the 737 family, the 737-900 can fit up to 215 passengers and features a flight range of up to 5,900 km.

Boeing 737-900 commercial aircraft

New generation – Planes of the Boeing 737 MAX family

Boeing 737 MAX 7
The aircraft to be exploited for long-range flights with a small passenger flow. It is capable of transporting 130-170 passengers over 7 000 km.

Boeing 737 MAX 7 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737 MAX 8
The base model of the family which can carry 160-200 passengers over 6 500 km.

Boeing 737 MAX 8 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737 MAX 9
This plane features a longer fuselage. It has the passenger capacity of 180-220 people and the maximum range of 5 500 km.

Boeing 737 MAX 9 commercial aircraft

Boeing 737 MAX 10
This airliner has the longest fuselage. It can fit up to 230 passengers and features a flight range of up to 6 000 km.

Boeing 737 MAX 10 commercial aircraft

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