![Pronto Airways airline](https://cdn.airlines-inform.ru/upload/iblock/01a/Pronto-Airways.jpg)
Copyright Matt Willems
General information about Pronto Airways
Air taxi and executive charter flights in the west of Canada, former West Wind Aviation airline
ICAO code: WEW
Web-site: www.prontoairways.com
Head office: 3A Hangar Road Saskatoon SK S7L 5X4, Canada
Phone number: +1 306 934 42 85
Fax number: +1 306 931 44 21
E-mail: prontoinformation@prontoairways.com
Main bases and hubs: Prince Albert, Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International
Fleet: Beechcraft 1900
Last update date: 30 October 2018