Copyright Ata Tavanaei
General information about Qeshm Air
Scheduled flights from Qeshm Island and Tehran within Iran and to neighboring countries
IATA code: QB
ICAO code: QSM
Web-site: www.qeshm-air.com
Social media profiles: Instagram
Head office: No. 12, Shahid Riahi St., Karaj Special Highway, Tehran, Iran
Phone number: +98 214 7999, +98 214 2738 888
Fax number: +98 2144 6966 12
E-mail: Info.qeshm@qeshm-air.com
Main bases and hubs: Qeshm International, Tehran Mehrabad International
Fleet: Airbus A300, Airbus A319, Airbus A320, BAe Avro RJ, Fokker 50, Fokker 100
Last update date: 22 October 2019