General information about Kenmore Air
Commuter services in the Pacific North-West of the USA
IATA code: M5
ICAO code: KEN
Web-site: www.kenmoreair.com
Social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Head office: 6321 N.E. 175th St., PO Box 82064, Kenmore, Washington, 98028-0064, USA
Phone number: +1 425 486 12 57
Fax number: +1 425 485 47 74
E-mail: customerservice@kenmoreair.com
Main bases and hubs: Kenmore Air Harbor, Seattle Lake Union SPB, Seattle Boeing Field/King County International
Fleet: Cessna 172, Cessna Caravan, DHC-2 Beaver, DHC-3 Otter
Last update date: 06 October 2019