Copyright Oliver Richter
General information about Ellinair
Scheduled and charter operations between Greece and the CIS countries
IATA code: EL
ICAO code: ELB
Web-site: www.ellinair.com
Social media profiles: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Head office: 9th km Thessalonikis-Moudanion Rd, Lygaria, Pylaia, Greece
Phone number: +30 2311 22 4700
Fax number: +30 2310 471 739
E-mail: customer.service@ellinair.com
Main bases and hubs: Thessaloniki Macedonia, Kerkyra Corfu Ioannis Kapodistrias
Fleet: Airbus A319, Airbus A320, Boeing 737-300
Last update date: 15 September 2019