General information about Cathay Pacific
International airlines from Hong Kong
IATA code: CX
ICAO code: CPA
Membership in the alliance: Oneworld
Web-site: www.cathaypacific.com
Social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Head office: Cathay Pacific City, 8 Scenic Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong. China
Phone number: +852 2747 3333
Fax number: +852 2362 7407
E-mail: engcal@cathaypacific.com
Main bases and hubs: Hong Kong International
Fleet: Airbus A321neo, Airbus A330-300, Airbus A350-900, Airbus A350-1000, Boeing 777-200, Boeing 777-300
Last update date: 18 February 2021