General information about Belavia
National airline of Belarus, scheduled flights from Minsk to European destinations
IATA code: B2
ICAO code: BRU
Web-site: www.belavia.by
Social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, VK
Head office: 14A, Nemiga St., 220004 Minsk, Belorussia
Phone number: +375 17 220 25 55
Fax number: +375 17 220 23 83
E-mail: support@belavia.by
Main bases and hubs: Minsk National
Fleet: Boeing 737 MAX 8, Boeing 737-300, Boeing 737-500, Boeing 737-800, Bombardier CRJ-100/200, Embraer 175, Embraer 195, Embraer Е195-Е2
Last update date: 18 April 2021