Way home. Part 1. Honolulu (Hawaii, USA) - Tokyo (Japan) in the best economy class in the world from Japan Airlines
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Way home. Part 1. Honolulu (Hawaii, USA) - Tokyo (Japan) in the best economy class in the world from Japan Airlines

Dear aviation enthusiasts!

Once again, do not show one of the best airlines in the world, Japan Airlines, whose economy class was recognized in 2015 as the BEST in the world (according to the site Skytrax) is a crime! And I try to be law-abiding, so watch and read the review!

Route: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Tokyo (Narita), Japan.
Departure date: April 23, 2016
Departure time: 09:40.
Travel time: 8: 16 (actual).
Airline: Japan Airlines.
Plane: Boeing 767-300 tail number JA607J, age 12.5.

I have already reviewed this route on the same plane (Tokyo-Honolulu). For those who are interested, please see here.

It will be difficult not to repeat, especially in the description of the aircraft , but I will do my best so that you do not get bored.

Departure in the morning, at 9-40. Naturally, you need to arrive at the airport early in order to have time to inspect everything and take a photo. And besides, at 7-00 I was scheduled to receive from a private luggage service, my bike left with them for the night.
Looking ahead, I will say that this whole long, long day was a success.

A wonderful sunrise over the Honolulu airport, as if that's what he said that everything will be amazing today.

Colorful map- the Honolulu airport layout tries to emulate such a wonderfully colorful sunrise.

It's especially nice to be at the airport on a crisp, cool morning. There are few people, quiet, calm.
This is how the front entrance to the check-in area on the second level of the airport looks like.
Подъезд к зоне регистрации на втором уровне аэропорта Гонолулу

Disembarkation of passengers from vehicles is fast.

There is a long gallery between the highway and the registration halls.
Галерея у входа в аэропорт Гонолулу

There are several cafes in the gallery.

And between the gallery and the road, coconut trees stretch towards the sun from the first level.

First of all, I went to look at the still empty check-in counters of Japan Airlines.

Зона регистрации Японских авиалиний в аэропорту Гонолулу
Зона регистрации Японских авиалиний в аэропорту Гонолулу

Зона регистрации бизнес-класса Японских авиалиний в аэропорту Гонолулу

Behind the wall-to-wall counters is something like a Japan Airlines office (ticket sales, information and etc.).
Информационные стойки Японских авиалиний в аэропорту Гонолулу

I also walked to other halls of the common area.
Most of all I liked the way I called it "the gray hall"...,

.... in the center of which on the floor is a map of Oahu with all the island's airports marked.
Карта острова Оаху на полу зала ожидания аэропорта Гонолулу

This room is dedicated to History of Honolulu Airport. Paintings, historical references, photographs hang on the walls.

Like in other Hawaiian ports, luggage carts, unfortunately, are paid. Bourgeois!

Passengers flying to the US mainland are required to go through a quarantine inspection before entering the check-in hall.

It was time to pick up my bike-luggage, so I moved to the side of the Japan Airlines counters, where it was supposed to be delivered. The bike arrived on time. You can go to check-in, or rather for boarding and baggage drop, since I checked in online.
It's great that Japan Airlines opens online check-in 3 days in advance! I also registered for S7 from Tokyo to Vladivostok in 30 hours in order to have a normal seat, and not automatically issued by the system.
Queue to the economy class counters.

Already this is where Japanese service starts.
Men in blue Hawaiian shirts help carry luggage to the check-in desk and put it on the scales. The front desks are Japanese, not Hawaiian.

I came across a counter with a female trainee supervised by a female instructor. Everything was very slow, as the instructor explained each step. Received a thousand apologies for waiting. By the way, it was very interesting to watch how the instructor taught her ward: calmly, in a low voice, but clearly and quickly (in Japanese). She even showed me how to measure the dimensions of luggage by taking out a measuring tape.
The test subject was lying still....

The dimensions were within the allowable 203 centimeters, and the weight within the allowable 23 kg.

I was VERY impressed by the care taken of my oversized luggage!
I'm telling you.... As you know, such luggage should not go through a regular suitcase conveyor, but through a straight, wide line for oversized luggage. Oversized according to the rules of the security service in 50% of cases is opened for a detailed inspection. This greatly puzzled the senior receptionist, who further showed unheard of care. My packaging, you can see for yourself what it is - stretched layers of cellophane - it will be difficult to bring it into a whole and reliable form after opening. This was the biggest concern for the front desk staff. They even tried to call security to get some help in "non-destructing" my luggage.
To be honest, I got tired of waiting for all these decisions and insisted that the bike was finally sent on the road.... What they did.
After going through the security check, walking around the sterile area, the head of the check-in found me and said that everything was fine with my luggage. Can you imagine it???!!!

Without stopping anywhere after registration, I passed through passport control and personal inspection.
Nowhere, in no other country do this so simply and quickly as in the USA. I didn't understand how I got through passport control. It seems that this is not a border control, but a simple passport control, where they look at the passport and boarding before an internal flight. Or maybe the way it is - they do not have a separate border control for departure?
The queue in front of passport control, and immediately behind it is the area of

Immediately after leaving security.
В стерильной зоне аэропорта Гонолулу

Sterile area, with one on the other hand, it is simple, unremarkable, but on the other hand there are zones that are unique for us Russians - zones without walls and windows overlooking the platform.
Corridors without walls.
В стерильной зоне аэропорта Гонолулу

There is a place to take a walk....

В стерильной зоне аэропорта Гонолулу

...with nice views of the apron and planes....
Gemini B767

...and cool Hawaiian greens.

Possible spotting, the possibilities are not bad.
JetStar Dreamliner.

My plane, B767 is at the gangway for maintenance.

B767 Delta.

Internet terminal.

Duty normal fries, not large.

Duty free shops are located only in the very center of the terminal at the exit from the inspection area.
Ibid. e There is Starbucks, where I bought hot chocolate for $4 and decided to have breakfast for the second time today at the airport overlooking the platform in one of the open corridors. start feasting on the remnants of luxury: cheese roll and Hawaiian sausage, when the freeloader appeared right there. BR]He's handsome.

But it's not so bad to share with such a tiny one!!!!!
After a few minutes, real bandits arrived at the feast.
After their robbery attack on the red-breasted baby and on my breakfast, they were put on the international wanted list without hesitation!

The fun is over, gentlemen!

Let's go to our Gate No. 25. Air-conditioned lounges are located along the corridors, allowing passengers to enter 40 minutes before departure.
Накопитель перед гейтом на посадку в аэропорту Гонолулу

The entire outer wall has a panoramic window with a view of our plane.

The plane is not quite new (12.5 years old), but with an updated interior, famous for the whole world.
Боинг-767-300 Японских авиалиний в аэропорту Гонолулу

There is a boarding gate in the corner of the waiting room.
Airport employee verbally and using a sign informs who can go to boarding. Priority is given to passengers with limited mobility, passengers with children, then business and elite, and then economy (first rows after 50, and then up to 49).

Entrance to the boarding bridge.

Chief flight attendant personally meets guests at the entrance to the aircraft (also escorts them upon arrival).

I described in detail the updated cabins of the aircraft in the last review.
For those who are especially interested, please see here.

In this review, I will not talk in detail about the cabin.

Business class even leaves a visually VERY pleasant feeling.
Layout 1-2-1.
Бизнес-класс в Боинге-767-300 Японских авиалиний
Бизнес-класс в Боинге-767-300 Японских авиалиний
Место бизнес-класса в Боинге-767-300 Японских авиалиний

Economy class.
Layout 2-3-2.

Seats with super high legroom.
Кресла эконом-класса в Боинге-767-300 Японских авиалиний

The window shades were closed to keep the cabin warm from the hot sun . Therefore, the photos in subdued light turned out not very juicy, or something.
I tried to use a flash.
In the back.

In my opinion, the coziest places in the tail on the deuces in the last row.
This is exactly the place by the window that I chose at the online registration.
Места эконом-класса в Боинге-767-300 Японских авиалиний

The row spacing is increased by 10 cm compared to the usual economy, and the width of the chair surprises with its spaciousness. Legroom, well, really a lot. Eight hours of flight is not stressful at all.
Место экономического класса в Боинге-767-300 Японских авиалиний

The tables are very comfortable. You can arrange them like this.

I chose a seat in the last row, because I wanted to recline the back of my chair all the way. On the last row, the backs fully recline, as on the other rows.
The Japanese are very polite, respect each other not in words but in deeds. Almost none of the Japanese did not recline the backs of their seats! And that's on an 8-hour flight. Respect your personal space.
I was sitting alone on the deuce. The space was amazing!
I had the opportunity to go to the same toilet whenever and as many times as I wanted without disturbing anyone.
Well, we are talking about the toilet....
Clean and fresh! As a bonus - toothbrushes with toothpaste.

While I'm talking about all this, our plane is being towed to the engine start zone.

We turn around, grabbing the Koreans with the camera lens.

And the lovely lady, hiding in the shadow of our wing, persistently escorts us.

We launched and began a long taxi to the farthest ocean runway.

We were passing golf courses.....

.... and the stunning color of the backwaters. Diamond Head volcano is in the background.

We made the last U-turn at the end of the runway.
Snatched, in my opinion, a good shot of the Hawaiians on the 717th.

And a powerful takeoff. I love this moment of feeling the power of the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Main Hawaiian port, goodbye!

The city of Honolulu appeared for just a few seconds.

Before the sharp turn to the right once again admired the Diamond Head volcano.....

... and then the boundless ocean up to 5,500 meters deep and 8 hours way, overcoming 6,100 km to Tokyo.
Well, you got carried away, Hawaii is so far from the mainland!

Bye climbed, ransacked pockets.
Drinks menu. You can choose from: juices, water, beer, wine, even whiskey, brandy and vodka.

Information sheet about new economy seats: wide seats and increased row spacing.

Safety instructions. Ilya noted in his review that it is not made of laminated paper, but of matte plastic, very pleasant to the touch.

And of course, magazines: onboard, cinema store.

Japanese route map.

Headphones - not some kind of plugs that make your ears hurt, but normal waybills, convenient units!

Having occupied the cruising level.....

...and flying over the small western Hawaiian island, Niihau....
Гавайский остров Ниихау

....the aircraft has started maintenance.

First, hot fragrant wet wipes.

Next, an aperitif of drinks. I asked for red wine. I drink it sometimes, but once again I was surprised how the taste changes at altitude. Not for the better, unfortunately. Drinks are served with delicious rice chips.

While I was tasting the wine, the captain said on the speakerphone that we were flying over the largest atoll in the northwest of Hawaii, French Frigate Shoals. It was not possible to capture it with a glance even from a flight altitude of almost 11 km! The diameter of the atoll is 37 km!
Атолл French Frigate Shoals в Тихом океане

There are a dozen other tiny sand islands on the atoll, one of which even has an airfield.

On this amazing note, a yummy cart drove up to me.
Бортпроводница Японских авиалиний за работой

First of all, the stewardess, showing a huge menu with pictures, asks me to choose a dish. The main course was curried chicken or beef stroganoff. I starved for four Hawaiian weeks, eating canned food and noodles with rice every day, I chose a more high-calorie, second course.
Honestly, it was delicious, and everything. But the hot soup was especially tasty - a traditional Japanese meso soup with mushrooms (it is in a glass).
Бортпитание эконом-класса на рейсе Японских авиалиний Гонолулу-Токио

Before the passengers finished their lunches, ice cream was right there, polishing the accepted lunch very nicely.

Overboard it was very sunny, so all the window shades were closed, and the interior lighting was dimmed (sleep mode). Thanks to this and a full belly, many passengers fell asleep.
I also had a little sleep.
Woke up, and we were already in the middle of the journey.

Went out to explore.
I saw the following for the first time.
Can you imagine that? Crew names for public reference.

The aft kitchen is closed with separate curtains, allowing passengers to walk along it to the second toilet.

Tail galley with curtains open.

Hand control panel and door.

Drinks were carried all the time.
I've quenched my thirst every now and then.
This time coffee.

And it's cloudy overboard.

About 2 hours before landing, the main lights were turned on and a light snack was offered. To be honest, I didn't really want to eat. Well done, do not stuff food! Hot a second time would really be superfluous.
Второе питание на рейсе Японских авиалиний Гонолулу-Токио

Hawaiian cookies in the box.

So 6 thousand flew by unnoticed km
And you can already see the Japanese coast.

Cute Japanese countryside scenery around Narita and not a single empty piece of land.

The next photo is the territory of the Narita airport, the end of the 4-kilometer runway, and next to it is the aviation museum. I drew the path of the planes to land. Planes fly very close to the museum. Read about the museum and small aviaspotting in my last review (Vladivostok-Tokyo).

The views of the airport at the landing were impressive, I only had time to take pictures.
Chronologically without comment.

Перрон аэропорта Токио Нарита

Touch the band very gently. Noisy braking.
While we are still actively reducing speed, B747 Taiwanese calmly follows the terminal.

We turn off the runway towards the terminal.

The situation has changed. Now we calmly follow to the terminal, and the board of Siberia from Khabarovsk slows down noisily.

And now what no one has shown yet!
Imagine a huge airport, in the center of which is your COTTAGE with a house, vegetable gardens and orchards, a separate, specially created, underground road connecting you with the outside world. Your fence, its entire perimeter is an airport fence! And planes land 40 meters above your head!
The world-famous Toho farm. Michael, thank you for drawing my attention to the existence of this unique farm in the comments to the last Tokyo review. Without this, perhaps I would not have made today's emphasis on it.
Photo of the farm from the air before landing (the quality is blurry, as always the most important thing did not work out).

For the sake of such a case, I have to interrupt our plane's route to the terminal and tell about the farm.
I may not be exact, but the general gist is as follows. The construction of a new airport in the suburbs of Narita was not without problems. Farmers actively resisted moving to other places, giving their fertile plots for the construction of the airport. By hook or by crook, the airport was built with one lane. After a while, the airport outgrew itself and needed another runway. Farmers had to be relocated again. One, the most stubborn, disagreed. There were trials and scandals, but he remained the winner in these battles.
The strip was nevertheless built, but a short one (only 2500 m). The farm was surrounded by a fence, an underground road was built to it, and many bizarre taxiways appeared around.
General view of the Narita airport area with a farm inside.

It's amazing, but in order for the plane to get on the runway for departure, you have to make such zigzags, and, of course, spend precious time.

I don't think it's pleasant to live here. Take a tour - yes. Planes fly only 40 meters overhead... kerosene, terrible noise, etc. What kind of sales of vegetables grown here can we talk about. I don't think they are mass grown there at all. One thing pleases the owner - the airport is closed at night.

I was lucky that I was sitting on the right side, and the plane came in to land on the right runway to see it all with my own eyes and show you !
We pass the underground road leading to the farm.

And then we follow the fence of the farm for a long time.

In some places the fence is transparent.

I would like to visit this farm, I think, like you all too.

Returning to flying.....
Our plane has to stand at the gangway and prepare for the next flight.
Standed next to the twin.

Just in an instant, the plane is surrounded by different services and service begins.

When I was the last one to get off the plane, I purposely took a photo of tricky places WITHOUT A WINDOW.
Someone may need this to choose a seat.
See the row numbers on the luggage racks.

Under the sincere smiles of the crew, I leave the not a bit tired, but on the contrary, full of energy from the impressions received during the flight!

Immediately after exiting the air bridge, glass walls overlooking the platform attract attention.

Our plane was surrounded by technicians and something was fiddling with the engine, and all my transit time (almost 3 hours). .

There are no special decorations here, and they are not needed there, because people do not stay here.

Here the flow is divided. For luggage, to the city, internal transfer - to the left. International transfer is direct.

Next to the entrance to the transfer passenger screening area, there are check-in desks for transfer passengers and a departure board.
I highlighted two Siberian flights in red: to Khabarovsk and to Vladivostok.

I will have almost 3 hours to recover from my impressions, have a last bite of Japanese yummy, take a photo of the sterile zone and go home to Vladivostok on the A320 S7.

Instead of a conclusion....

Japan Airlines, you deservedly received the highest rating for your economy class!
Immensely grateful to you for the amazing comfort and coziness created by You on board the aircraft!
For the sincerely caring attitude towards the passenger, both at the airport and on board!
Further prosperity and only soft landings!

Thank you very much for viewing!
To be continued.....
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Japan Airlines - JAL

Boeing 767-300

Honolulu International Airport

Tokyo Narita International Airport

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