Khabarovsk-Vladivostok and back. Aeroflot (Vladivostok Avia).
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Khabarovsk-Vladivostok and back. Aeroflot (Vladivostok Avia).

I made up my mind to fly from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok for a day. I bought a bonus ticket to Vladivostok using “Aeroflot bonus” in the company’s office without any problems four days before the flight and paid for it just 150 rubles. I bought the return ticket on Aeroflot’s site also without any problems, though the minimum price changed within ten minutes while I was checking other flights.

I arrived at the airport an hour and a half before the flight. I like that you can get to the airport by public transport with maximum one change and it costs from 15 to 30 rubles one way. If you want to get from the airport to the city the maximum waiting time is ten minutes. The airport consists of the domestic flights terminal, the international flights terminal and the VIP terminal. Though the terminals are all parts of one building complex, the passengers have to walk down the street moving from one terminal to another. Among other airport buildings are the flight navigation building, the customs, the cargo terminal, and the old terminal which is closed to the public but has been standing there for years with advertisement banners.

The domestic flights terminal from the outside
Khabarovsk airport

The domestic flights terminal and the air navigation building (view from the apron)
Khabarovsk airport

The former terminal (view from the apron)
Khabarovsk airport

Well, I arrived at the airport an hour and a half before the flight. I checked in quickly and almost without queuing and started waiting for the flight. As the flight was at 8.35 it was still dark outside (it dawns at about 10 here).

The airport’s hall
Khabarovsk airport

View of the apron from the first floor window
Khabarovsk airport

The waiting room in the secure zone
Khabarovsk airport

There are some cafes in the airport wh ere you can have a bite. There’s also a souvenir shop. The prices are, of course, crazy. You can often hear birds singing in the airport. Sometimes you can see them as well.

The boarding was announced without delays. Since the plane was flying en route Novosibirsk (if I’m not mistaken) – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok, the transit passengers boarded first. The plane stood on the apron near our gate so we walked to it down the street.
Khabarovsk airport

The boarding went smoothly. As for the economy class it was 100% full. We flew on board A 320. There were three seats on the left and three on the right. I had an aisle seat and my neighbor had a window one so the seat between us was free. The girls sitting next to us also had an empty seat between them, although there were six people in nearly all rows. Despite the fact that it was a bit cramped, there was enough room for the legs (my height is 160 cm).
Airbus A320 of Vladivostok Air

Before the take-off the displays appeared above the seats and we were instructed on safety during the flight in complete silence. Then the displays closed. There were safety instructions leaflets in all the seats, but there was no sign of an inflight magazine. Talking about the cabin you couldn’t but notice that it was old and some seats were shabby. The backs of some seats were leaning back slightly and the flight attendant had to fix them before the take off. The main lights were switched off before the take off and weren’t turned on again during the flight. The flight attendants offered to use the individual light to those who couldn’t see. We took off on time.

During the flight.
Airbus A320 of Vladivostok Air

After the take off and the climb we were served food.

There was a chicken hamburger and a carton of orange juice in the box. Then we were offered tea and coffee. The economy class was served by two guys and a girl. The guys didn’t talk much and looked tired.

In about an hour and a half we landed in Vladivostok airport. As all the boarding bridges were occupied we had a bus transfer to the terminal.

Our plane after landing in Vladivostok airport
Airbus A320 of Vladivostok Air

Walking through the terminal building to the baggage claim and further to the exit to the city

Vladivostok Airport

As on 27th January 2013 the top people from different countries were arriving to Vladivostok to take part in the international forum, the cops with the dogs were patrolling the airport and didn’t allow taking photos.

You can get from the airport to the city either by bus for 85 rubles or by aero express to the station for 200-300 rubles. They run every hour or two hours. It depends. It takes about an hour by bus and 48 minutes by aero express. I took the bus to get to the city and came back to the airport by aero express. The cops with the dogs were still there.

Aeroexpress railway station in Vladivostok airport
Vladivostok Airport

Compared to the old the new terminal of Vladivostok airport looks more spacious and it has boarding bridges. Domestic and international flights are carried out from one terminal now.

The airport terminal (view from the railway station)
Vladivostok Airport

The hall of Vladivostok airport
Vladivostok Airport

The photo of the secure zone and the apron of Vladivostok airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport
Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air
Korean Boeing 777-300 in Vladivostok Airport
Vladivostok Airport

I checked in for the return flight (Vladivostok – Khabarovsk) two hours in advance as the queue was already big. The plane was 100% full. Before the flight the stewardesses instructed us on safety precautions. We departed on time and without any incidents. The food was the same as on the flight Khabarovsk – Vladivostok.

View from the porthole

Winter Khabarovsk
Winter Khabarovsk

Sharp turn

When we landed in Khabarovsk the transit passengers got on the bus and went to the waiting room to continue their journey to Novosibirsk. And the locals went on a different bus to the terminal and further to the exit to the city.

P.S. When in Vladivostok I took photos of the aircraft monuments.
Vote for review:

Vladivostok Air

Airbus A320

Khabarovsk Novy Airport

Vladivostok Knevichy Airport

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