Ryanair Dublin to Manchester Full flight
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Ryanair Dublin to Manchester Full flight

Trying to find the Return Airlink bus was hard because the road was huge and so many bus stops, once on the local bus we drove past the airlink one quite a distance up the road.
This local bus does a zigzag on the way to the airport and i was hoping that i wouldn't miss the flight. We got there in time but it's a quick walk to the gate to get there with 8 mins to spare.
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Security was about 6 people in the queue so was quick enough.
I had already got my boarding pass printed out at the library on my outbound from manchester so it was just a quick automatic scan at the security barrier and through to departures.
The mood at the gates is nice and relaxed and hassle free, the staff are professional and friendly.
This isn't the new interior like on the brand new aircraft i went on the outbound That Full Flight video here

Jeju (South Korean) and Ryanair together.
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The new safety announcement audio is the best i've heard on any flight
Full flight Ryanair Video
Drone reported by pilot on the ATC frequency in the video

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