Khabarovsk-Vladivostok on a Vladivostok Air Tu-204-300
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Khabarovsk-Vladivostok on a Vladivostok Air Tu-204-300

Since the flight was early in the morning (departure at 8:10 AM) and public transportation wasn't up to speed at that hour, I took a taxi to the airport, which cost me 400 rubles (about $11). After quickly checking in…
Khabarovsk airport
Khabarovsk airport

… I headed through the security checkpoint and into the waiting area. The waiting area in Khabarovsk's airport spans two floors. The first four gates are on the first floor, and the remaining two are on the second, fr om which passengers have to descend to their planes by external staircases. Regional flights usually dock on the first floor. The second floor is primarily reserved for flights to and from Moscow.

The first floor waiting area:
Khabarovsk airport

A cafe (closed at that early hour of the morning):
Khabarovsk airport

Gates on the first floor:
Khabarovsk airport

When the gates aren't in use, one of them is designated as the smoking exit. The door is opened, but the pull-down security gate beyond it stays shut, thus allowing smoke to be drawn out. This prevents the interior of the terminal smoking up.
Khabarovsk airport
Khabarovsk airport

On the stairs to the second floor waiting area, there is a sign for a tiny hotel.
Khabarovsk airport

Second floor waiting area:
Khabarovsk airport

Children's area, wh ere kids can play while waiting for their flight:

Khabarovsk airport

A second café in the waiting area:
Khabarovsk airport

Boarding was announced and we were shuttled to the plane, which was a Tu-204-300.
Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air
Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air
Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

To my inexperienced eyes the plane seemed to be in good shape, the interior looked decent. Neither worse nor better than other VLADAIR planes, whose fleet consists mainly of A320s. Seeing as how I've mostly been flying on the A320s, the Tu-204 was a little different and some things astounded me.

First of all, the cabin looked different, separated into three sections: business class and two sections of economy class.
Passenger cabin of Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

Business class:
Passenger cabin of Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

I was surprised by the multitude of buttons on the arm rest, although only the request flight attendant button worked.
Passenger cabin of Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

The control panel (Is that the right word for it? My apologies if I got it wrong):
Passenger cabin of Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

Considering I'm not very tall, leg room isn't usually a huge deal for me, and the Tu-204 had enough for me. Here in my lap are the contents of the seat pocket:

The flight itself went perfectly. Takeoff, flight and landing went without a hitch. The flight attendants were sweet, responsive, and caring.

Once we reached cruising altitude, the flight attendants began distributing the "magic boxes" with meals, followed by tea, coffee and water.

During the flight I had to make a trip to the restroom, the door to which I couldn't, at first, figure out how to open.

I was also surprised by how low to the ground the toilet was.
Restroom of a Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

I don't recall the A320s having a button to request flight attendants in the restroom. Or perhaps it just wasn't labeled so clearly.
Restroom of a Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

The garbage disposal had a convenient design. Push the pedal and a hatch opens under the sink.
Restroom of a Tu-204-300 of Vladivostok Air

After landing in Vladivostok I took a photo out the window.
Vladivostok airport

On our way to the exit from Vladivostok airport.
Vladivostok airport

Baggage claim:
Vladivostok airport

I was also surprised to see what looks like an electric or hybrid ambulance in Khabarovsk airport (to be honest, I'm not sure what exactly they're charging, I could be completely wrong).
Vladivostok airport
Vote for review:

Vladivostok Air

Tupolev Tu-204-300

Khabarovsk Novy Airport

Vladivostok Knevichy Airport

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